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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Composting Revolution

You can contribute to the 'composting revolution' by recycling your own yard and kitchen wastes at home.  We use a handy kitchen composter that I purchased at TJMaxx for about $14.00.  It is stainless steel, easy to clean and has a filter to prevent odors.  We place all of our household compostable waste in this bucket including vegetable and fruit, coffee grounds and filter, and eggshells. 
Outside, we have a much larger composter which we made from a large, clean plastic garbage can.  We drilled holes in the side using a large drill bit and here we deposit our yard waste (brown) and empty our kitchen composter (green).  We turn the contents over once a week and add a little water if it looks too dry.

Brown materials include:
*dry yellow or brown leaves and grass
*the woody stalks of plants such as sunflowers and corn
*paper and wood products, such as sawdust, chopped up twigs and shredded newspaper and junk mail
*dryer lint
*wood ash (not too much)

Green materials include:
*Kitchen scraps, such as vegetables, fruit and eggshells 
*coffee grinds with the filter and tea bags
*fresh green leaves and grass clippings
*fresh weeds that haven’t seeded
*composted manure – cow, sheep, chicken, rabbit

Add a little more brown than green to your composter to get the right balance of nitrogen vs. carbon and after a few weeks or months you will have a great source of soil conditioner and organic fertilizer for your garden and vegetable plants! Now that's being A Crafty Recycler!!

Recycled Magazine Trinket Boxes

I would be happy to share how to do RECYCLED crafts.  Just send me an email and I'll get back to you with all the information that you need.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Your crafty recycling ideas

I will be sharing my ideas for Earth friendly projects and I would love to hear and see your recycled craft ideas.  Together we can help planet Earth with Earth friendly projects.  Let me know what you do to help planet Earth.

An Earth friendly way to tackle weeds

A Green Idea #1.......Are weeds taking over? Mix 1 gallon of white vinegar and 4 ounces of lemon juice and put this combination into a spray bottle. The combination of these two acids makes an inexpensive ( at about $2.00 a gallon) and potent weed killer and will not harm pets or wildlife. Compare this with the price of Roundup ( toxic to both humans and pets) at $16.80 for 16 ounces. On a sunny day, spray the weeds and they will soon wilt. After the next rain, the vinegar/lemon solution will wash down to the roots. Reapply after a heavy rain. I use this solution on my rock walkways and the cracks and crevices near the garage door. *Be careful not spray on your lawn or on plants that you want to keep.