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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

O Christmas Tree

Christmas is over and if you have a live Christmas tree in your home, it's time to consider recycling it.  Christmas trees can certainly be placed in your compost heap.  It will decompose over time.  Just be sure to remove all of the decorations including tinsel before placing it in your heap.  If you cut it into smaller pieces it will decompose quicker.

Some cities and towns collect trees for their own recycling programs and will chip and shred the trees into mulch.  Check with your city or town for guidelines and dates for curbside pick up.

Placing your tree in your yard until spring is another alternative.  Birds and wildlife will seek the refuge of the branches of your tree during the harsh days of winter.  The branches will protect the birds and wildlife from snow, wind and cold.  Pete and I will lay our tree on it's side in a quiet location in our yard.  We'll place a bird feeder nearby and peanut butter suet in it's branches because finding food is also difficult in winter.  Then in March/April we'll place it into the compost heap to decompose.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
                                        How lovely are thy branches!
Not only green when summer's here
But in the coldest time of year.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How lovely are thy branches!

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